Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 01 Welcome to Florence Italy, Capital of Tuscany

Florence is an incredible city. It is hard to put into words just how great this city really is, but everyone should visit Florence at least once in their lives to see for themselves. The culture, the art, the museums, the food and so much more... it's a very friendly pedestrian city with cobblestone streets, loads of shops and buskers playing all kinds of great music. Its kind of like Boulder on steroids. It was a great way to start our trip...and the weather in September was wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brian,
    It seems you are unstoppable!!! You are doing so much!And this trip to Italy; it seems such a fun, especially with your stress expert guidance. Would love to join you for the next trip. Brian, I am in Italy: if you need any logistic or other help I am at your service. It is such a treet to read your blog entries and drink from the wealth of your knowledge.
